Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.

Purchase Tokens

Token can be used to cover tuition in both our SPACE and Academic Mastery programs. Each Token is redeemable for participation in one SPACE module. Tokens can also be used towards advising, tutoring, single modules, full courses, and other services in the AM program (see individual module and service pages for precise costs). Tokens never expire; you can use them whenever you like, and you can even give them away to friends!

Log in or Sign up for an account first, in order to purchase tokens.

Token Prices

Tokens Price per Token Total Price
1 $175 $175
2 $165 $330
3 $150 $450
4 $140 $560
5 $135 $675
6 $130 $780