Current and Upcoming Modules
In-progress Month: December 2024 • Confirmed Month: December 2024
Voting Month: January 2025 • Spotlight Month: February 2025
Happy and cordial greetings to you!
My name is Rob Gosselin, Director of SPACE, and I am delighted to welcome you to the program and to our SPACE modules, which are the courses we run each month. Designed for personal enrichment, our modules are academically serious but fun, focused purely on the love of learning and the joy of studying the material.
Once you have a Blackberry Account, you can:
- Purchase Tokens - Each Token can be redeemed for participation in one of our monthly modules.
- Set your Timezone and Availability to help with our scheduling
- Enroll in Confirmed Modules
- Vote for upcoming Candidate Modules, and
- Add courses from our Module Directory to your Wishlist
Finally, as you embark on your learning journey with us, our SPACE Team is here to support you if you have any questions along the way. Simply contact us at [email protected] and we'd be happy to help.