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A Module in Wayward Children Novella SeriesNon-Sequential Series
Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Medium intensity
Boarding schools have become a staple in fantasy, but Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children specializes in children that have stumbled into and then out of portals and haven't quite managed to adjust to being back from their adventures. There are three rules at Eleanor West's: No Solicitations, No Visitors, and No Quests.

Explore the first three novellas (Every Heart a Doorway, Down Among the Sticks and Bones, and Beneath the Sugar Sky) of the Hugo and Nebula-winning Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire. Join in for a discussion on portal fantasies, children's adventures, and what it can mean to believe in a world you may never see again.

Required Texts

The following works by Seanan McGuire:
Every Heart a Doorway
Down Among the Sticks and Bones
Beneath the Sugar Sky

Note: In July 2023 a single bound collection of these 3 novellas will be published under the title Be Sure by Seanan McGuire and can be obtained instead of the 3 separate books.
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