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Discussion-based • Medium intensity
How can we rise through suffering to become heroic? This hybrid module takes a deep dive into the stages of the hero’s journey structure and its applicability to your story. Considering different approaches to the Joseph Campbell’s monomyth, you will have the opportunity to share and reflect upon your character’s journey in supportive workshops. Whether your hero is slaying a dragon or exploring the dark depths of their psyche, this module will help you craft an epic journey.

The module will follow an 8-lesson structure as follows:
• Lecture 1: Introduction to the Monomyth
• Workshop 1: Call to Adventure

• Lecture 2: Archetypes
• Workshop 2: Challenges and Temptations

• Lecture 3: The Heroine’s Journey
• Workshop 3: Death and Rebirth

• Lecture 4: Challenging the Monomyth
• Workshop 4: Transformation, Atonement, Return

Required Texts

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