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A Module in Discovering Terry Pratchett's DiscworldNon-Sequential Series
Discussion-based • High intensity
'Trousers. That's the secret...Put on trousers and the world changes. We walk different. We act different. I see these girls and I think: idiots! Get yourself some trousers!'

In a journey through the Discworld series, from The Colour of Magic to The Shepherd’s Crown, there is huge progress on the Disc as it journeys from the Century of the Fruitbat into the Century of the Anchovy. Inventions, enterprises and cultural progress are at the forefront of Terry Pratchett’s industrial revolution-based books. All the Industrial Revolution books follow a different form of technology as it is introduced to the Disc, and we get to see how these impact upon the inhabitants’ lives. For example, The Truth is about Ankh-Morpork’s first ever printing press, and Raising Steam looks at what happens when steam trains are brought to the Disc. Like any other world, though, change is not always easy, and Pratchett shows us via his trademark satire and humour how challenging – and how illuminating – progress can be.

Over the eight classes we will read the six books, in publication order, with one book being discussed in each of six classes. Two classes will be built in that will allow for further discussion of the themes raised in this series.

Required Texts

Access to the texts listed below is desirable. Prior knowledge of at least the majority of the listed texts will be assumed.

Moving Pictures
The Truth
Monstrous Regiment
Going Postal
Making Money
Raising Steam
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