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Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Low intensity
Discover essential aspects of everyday life in the world of the Norse! In this module we'll be exploring the rich cultural and religious life of the Scandinavian communities between the 8th and 11th century, trying to figure out what their cultural products can tell us about their mindset. We'll have a look at cosmogonical and eschatological concepts from Norse myth, funeray archaeology, the runic writing system and how it evolved, as well as the fascinating art styles that adorned objects ranging from small cups and sword pommels to the front doors of Christian churches. While the first two modules of the Viking age cluster would be recommendable, fell free to join the course regardless.

The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline 8-Session Structure
Week 1 Lecture 1: Norse myths and beliefs
Discussion 1: Discussion about Lecture 1 material
Week 2 Lecture 2: Death and afterlife
Discussion 2: Discussion about Lecture 2 material
Week 3 Lecture 3: Runes and runestones
Discussion 3: Discussion about Lecture 3 material
Week 4 Lecture 4: Viking art styles
Discussion 4: Discussion about Lecture 4 material

Required Texts

Suggested text: The Viking World (Brink & Price, Routledge 2008) (please note that this is completely optional). Other bibliographical material will be provided by the tutor.
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