Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.

January 2025  Hybrid
Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Medium intensity
Module Description from Dr. Sara Brown (Lecturing Preceptor):

JRR Tolkien is one of those rare authors whose poetry is as accomplished as his prose writing. Up to this point, though, those who wished to focus primarily on Tolkien’s poetry had to access a significant number of books and online resources to do so, as they were scattered far and wide. Now, a Most Delightful Event has occurred – for the first time, a collected volume of Tolkien’s poetry is available, and it is a Tome of Significant Size!

In this hybrid course, we will read and discuss a selection of these poems, enjoying them for their aesthetic appeal as well as analysing them for Tolkien’s style, use of language, and the poetic forms he employed. This is a hybrid course, in which one class per week will be a lecture and the second class will be group discussion.

There are so many poems in these volumes that the intention is to spread the course over several months. If you can’t make one or more of the months, feel free to dip in and out as suits you!

I am also delighted to announce that one lecture session per month will be led by the one and only James Tauber, who will focus on language and the formal elements of the poetry.

Bonus Lecture from Dr. Olsen each month! We are delighted to announce that each month Dr. Corey Olsen will offer a bonus lecture on Tolkien's poetry. Each month the SPACE team will share Dr. Olsen's bonus lecture with all enrolled students that month in The Poetic Corpus of J. R. R. Tolkien series.

The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline 8-Session Structure
Week 1 Lecture 1: Tol Eressea · For England: The Lonely Isle · The Lonely Isle
Discussion 1: Two-Lieut/ A Dream of Coming Home · A Memory of July in England · July · Two Eves in Tavrobel · An Evening in Tavrobel · Once upon a Time/ The Thatch of Poppies/ The Forest Walker
Week 2 Lecture 2: James Tauber Lecture - Habbanan beneath the Stars · Eruman beneath the Stars and O Lady Mother Throned amid the Stars · Consolatrix Afflictorum · Stella Vespertina · Mother! O Lady Throned beyond the Stars
Discussion 2: To Early Morning Tea · An Ode Inspired by Intimations of the Approach of Early Morning Tea/ Ye Laggard Woodlands
Week 3 Lecture 3: GBS
Discussion 3: Companions of the Rose/ The Grey Bridge of Tavrobel/ Build Me a Grave beside the Sea · The Brothers-in-Arms/ I Stood upon an Empty Shore/ A Rime for My Boy
Week 4 Lecture 4: Overview of the Early Poems
Discussion 4: Nursery Rhymes Undone, or Their Scandalous Secret Unlocked · The Cat and the Fiddle · They Say There’s a Little Crooked Inn · There Is an Inn, a Merry Old Inn · The Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late/ A Rhyme Royal upon Easter Morning/ The Ruined Enchanter/ The Motor-cyclists

Required Texts

A copy of The Collected Poems of J.R.R. Tolkien: Three-Volume Box Set, edited by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond will be required either as hard copy or as e-book.
Check out Current and Upcoming offerings from:
This will be a Hybrid class (4 lectures & 4 discussion sessions). Each week will consist of 1 hour of recorded lecture and 1 hour of live discussion (not recorded) for a total of 8 class hours over the course of the month.

1. The Monday sessions each week will be a lecture session (pre-recorded or recorded live) and shared with all students afterward in case they wish to review the session or were unable to attend it live.
2. The Thursday sessions each week will be a live discussion session (not recorded).

Days and Times

Monday Lectures (Live or Pre-Recorded): Meeting for four 1-hour Lectures with Dr. Sara Brown (and/or guest James Tauber) meeting on Mondays at 11:00 AM Eastern Time on Jan 6, 13, 20, and 27 (and a pre-recorded bonus lecture from Dr. Corey Olsen will be shared with all enrolled students at a time yet to be determined).

Discussion Sessions: Discussion group meetings with Patrick Lyon on Thursdays at 9:00 PM Eastern for four 1-hour discussion groups on January 9, 16, 23, and 30.

Signum Time
Guests Note Your Time
Mon, Jan 6
11:00 AM
No live lecture this week: The PRE-RECORDED lecture & slides are attached for all enrolled students
Thu, Jan 9
9:00 PM
Discussion session
Mon, Jan 13
11:00 AM
photo of James Tauber
James Tauber
Guest Lecture (recorded live)
Thu, Jan 16
9:00 PM
Discussion session
Mon, Jan 20
11:00 AM
Robert Vreeland
Lecture (recorded live)
Thu, Jan 23
9:00 PM
Discussion session
Mon, Jan 27
11:00 AM
Lecture (recorded live)
Thu, Jan 30
9:00 PM
Discussion session
Sat, Feb 1
11:00 AM
photo of Dr. Corey Olsen
Dr. Corey Olsen