Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.
Module 3 in
The Viking World
Mixed Lecture/Discussion
Low intensity
Paganism was most likely never a unified system of belief, and may have been much more complex and diverse than our current sources can let us know. Beyond semi-structured beliefs, we also encounter more practical forms actively trying to influence the environment – sorcery, most often referred to as seidr, a collective term to designate soothsaying, divination, healing, controlling weather, battle magic and much more.
In this module we will be critically exploring the sources for such powerful practices, the vocabulary of sorcery, as well as attempting to enter the Viking soul in search of its logic and manifestations through everyday witchcraft, while confronting the great hindrances in the study of an elusive phenomenon.
Why is Odin a god of sorcery? Who performed magic in Viking times? Was it gendered? Was sexuality involved? What did magic reveal, and how was it perceived? Put your name into the goblet of mead and let‘s get started.
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline | 8-Session Structure |
Week 1 | Lecture 1: Old Norse religion and magic - definitions, sources and challenges |
Discussion 1: Discussion about lecture 1 and extra material topics | |
Week 2 | Lecture 2: The performers - types of magic and magicians, social status and gender issues |
Discussion 2: Discussion about lecture 2 and extra material topics | |
Week 3 | Lecture 3: The performance - ritual places, toolkit, magic staffs |
Discussion 3: Discussion about lecture 3 and extra material topics | |
Week 4 | Lecture 4: Spells and amulets - actual runic spells and their potential meanings |
Discussion 4: Discussion about lecture 4 and extra material topics |
Required Texts
There are no required texts for this module. All materials will be provided by the preceptor.
This class needs more votes to get confirmed.
This module is a standing candidate which means it will be ready to launch as soon as it gets enough interest. Token holders can set aside a Token to reserve their seat for (next run of this) this candidate and help it get confirmed.
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This will be a Hybrid class (4 lectures & 4 discussion sessions). Each week will consist of 1 hour of recorded lecture and 1 hour of live discussion (not recorded) for a total of 8 class hours over the course of the month.
1. The first session each week will be a lecture session (pre-recorded), shared with all students at least three days before the live discussion session.
2. The second session each week will be a live discussion session (not recorded).
1. The first session each week will be a lecture session (pre-recorded), shared with all students at least three days before the live discussion session.
2. The second session each week will be a live discussion session (not recorded).
Days and Times
As soon as we obtain enough interest in this class we will be in touch to work out a meeting time that works for the group. Thank you for keeping your availability up to date!