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March 2025  Academic Mastery  Candidate
A Module in Intermediate Old Norse Poetry [Tier 2 Cluster]Non-Sequential Series
Discussion-based • Graduate intensity

This module is part of the Academic Mastery program. Please apply to the AM program before enrolling in this course or any of its modules.

This module is part of the Intermediate Old Norse Poetry series.

This module has prerequisites. Please read all details before enrolling.

Course Description

Old Norse Heroic Eddic Poetry 1 focuses primarily on reading legendary poetry of the world-famous Eddic corpus. The poems we will read in this module include: Hlöðskviða and Fáfnismál. Special attention will be paid to reading Fáfnismál in its original manuscript.

Format: 4 weeks of live classes with 2 hours of live class meetings per week. Translation in a group setting.

Assessments: Critique of translations in class and in a summative exercise.

Materials: No additional books or materials required.

Fee: 2 Tokens.

Goals and Skills:

  • Intermediate Old Norse Poetry allows students to translate complete versions of several of the most famous works of medieval Old Norse literature in the original language.
  • Students will develop existing translation skills by reading complex texts at the intermediate level. The course also includes a significant amount of Old Norse paleography, i.e. reading digital images of original medieval manuscripts written in the language.
  • Reading Eddic poetry provides a foundation for continued exploration of Old Norse literature in the original language. Since the Eddic corpus is the most famous and broadly read, it allows an expert level exploration into scholarly issues within Old Norse studies and Germanic philology.

  • This course is graduate level in intensity.

    This module assumes general competency with Old Norse vocabulary and grammar. Students should complete the Beginning Old Norse series before attempting these intermediate modules. Students who have passed Introduction to Old Norse in the Signum MA program may bypass this requirement. Students who have familiarity with Old Norse from another scholarly experience may apply for an independent evaluation of their Old Norse skills, which, if passed satisfactorily, will also permit direct enrollment in this module.

    Required Texts

    No required texts. All readings and literature provided to students directly.

    This class needs more votes to get confirmed.

    This module is a standing candidate which means it will be ready to launch as soon as it gets enough interest. Token holders can set aside a Token to reserve their seat for this candidate and help it get confirmed.

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    Days and Times

    As soon as we obtain enough interest in this class we will be in touch to work out a meeting time that works for the group. Thank you for keeping your March 2025 availability up to date!