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Language Sector > Module > Iteration
Tolkien is famous for his invented languages such as Sindarin, Quenya, and Khuzdul but our knowledge of them in his lifetime was almost entirely through the way they were used within The Lord of the Rings.

In this lecture, a taste of the month-long SPACE module of the same name, we will go on a puzzle-solving adventures, gleaning what we can about the languages from hints in The Fellowship of the Ring. We'll look, in particular, at the names of places as well as a couple of examples of Elvish poetry and see just how much of the languages we can work out ourselves!

Required Texts

J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
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The showcase lecture is a one-hour sample session. For more information about the full module and when it will be offered next in SPACE, go to the Tolkien’s Invented Languages in The Lord of the Rings module page.
Signum Time
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Sat, May 3
10:00 AM
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