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June 2025  Spotlight  Candidate  Standard Module
Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Medium intensity
The basic premise of this module is that 1) there are some systematic similarities and dissimilarities between Tolkien's works (especially his legendarium) and the corpus of literature called the Old Testament; and 2) understanding these systematic similarities and dissimilarities enriches the reader's understanding and appreciation for BOTH bodies of literature. Fundamentally, both Tolkien's legendarium and the Old Testament address issues of metaphysics through the vehicle of narrative (with poetry and other genres sprinkled in, of course!).

The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline 8-Session Structure
Week 1 Session 1: Intersections of Tolkien and the Old Testament (introductory -- literary, mythological, theological)
Session 2: Intersections of Archetypes (literary)
Week 2 Session 3: Intersections of Typology (literary)
Session 4: Intersections of Salvation and Judgment (mythological)
Week 3 Session 5: Intersections of Death and Life (mythological)
Session 6: Intersections of the Human Condition (theological)
Week 4 Session 7: Intersections of the Divine Being (theological)
Session 8: Intersections of Textual Criticism (literary)

Required Texts

Mythopeia, by Tolkien On Fairy Stories, by Tolkien The Silmarillion, by Tolkien The Hobbit, by Tolkien The Lord of the Rings, by Tolkien The Children of Hurin, by Tolkien The Holy Bible (preferably NIV, NRSV, or NKJV)

This class needs more votes by May 1 to get confirmed.

This module is a standing candidate which means it will be ready to launch as soon as it gets enough interest. Token holders can set aside a Token to reserve their seat for this candidate and help it get confirmed.

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Days and Times

As soon as we obtain enough interest in this class we will be in touch to work out a meeting time that works for the group. Thank you for keeping your Blackberry availability up to date!