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Tolkien's legendarium has some definite traits in common with the Old Testament. They're both long stories that preoccupied with the ancient past. But there are some differences, too. One purports to be "real" history, the other "feigned" history. As Tolkien himself says, history and myth are "made of the same stuff." Understanding the systematic similarities and dissimilarities between Tolkien's work and the Old Testament greatly enhances the reader's appreciation and delight in BOTH bodies of literature!

Required Texts

Mythopeia, by Tolkien On Fairy Stories, by Tolkien The Silmarillion, by Tolkien The Hobbit, by Tolkien The Lord of the Rings, by Tolkien The Children of Hurin, by Tolkien The Holy Bible (preferably NIV, NRSV, or NKJV)
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The showcase lecture is a one-hour sample session. For more information about the full module and when it will be offered next in SPACE, go to the Tolkien and the Old Testament module page.
Signum Time
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Sat, May 3
11:30 AM
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