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Language Sector > Module > Iteration
January 2024  Standard Module
Module SeriesNon-Sequential Series
Discussion-based • Medium intensity
(Note: This module can be joined in any month.)

This series will help introduce students to the breadth and depth of Old Norse texts available for study. Each month, Dr. Anderson surveys the group using the Old Norse survey form to see which text students are most interested in exploring next.

Some of the texts we could explore in a given month include:
Vǫlsunga Saga (“The Saga of the Vǫlsungs”)
• The excerpted short texts in Jesse Byock’s Viking Language 2 (which can both be ordered from Amazon, etc.)
• The other short but complete texts in Byock’s saga series: The Tale of Thorstein Staff-struck and/or Saga of the People of Weapon’s Fjord (which can both be ordered from Amazon, etc.)
• Njáls saga. (There is a modernized Icelandic text online.)
• Laxdœla saga. (There is a modernized Icelandic text online.)
• Egil’s saga. (A free PDF of a good edition is available from the Viking Society.)
• The Prose Edda, or portions thereof (Free PDFs are available from the Viking Society.)
• Something from the legendary sagas (besides Vǫlsunga saga), e.g.:
--- Hrólfs saga kraka. (There is a modernized Icelandic text online.)
--- Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks (A free PDF of C. Tolkien’s edition/translation is available from the Viking Society.)
--- Ragnars saga loðbrókar (Olsen’s 1908 edition is available as a PDF online.)
• Something form the chivalric and/or Arthurian sagas (various texts online or in print).
• Eddic poetry (various texts are available online).
• Faroese ballads of the Vǫlsungs (not technically “Old Norse”, but the 19th-century editions are available online).

But there are many other possibilities!

Required Texts

In Januray, we plan to start with Byock’s The Tale of Thorstein Staff-struck and, depending on interest, then move on to The Saga of the People of Weapon’s Fjord and/or the excerpted texts in Viking Language 2
Check out Current and Upcoming offerings from:

Days and Times

Meeting Mondays & Thursdays at 8:00 PM Eastern for eight 1-hour sessions on January 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29

Signum Time
Note Your Time
Thu, Jan 4
8:00 PM
Mon, Jan 8
8:00 PM
Thu, Jan 11
8:00 PM
Mon, Jan 15
8:00 PM
Thu, Jan 18
8:00 PM
Mon, Jan 22
8:00 PM
Thu, Jan 25
8:00 PM
Mon, Jan 29
8:00 PM