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Keli Fancher
SPACE Preceptor
Keli Fancher is a software developer at RescueTime, Signum’s Dean of Digital Campus, and an amateur YouTuber.
Keli’s relationship with Signum began with the original Tolkien Professor podcast feed which led to him joining Signum as an MA student for its second semester several years later. Shortly thereafter Keli began aiding Signum as a class recorder and his role gradually grew into his current position as Dean of the Digital Campus.
Keli’s relationship with Signum began with the original Tolkien Professor podcast feed which led to him joining Signum as an MA student for its second semester several years later. Shortly thereafter Keli began aiding Signum as a class recorder and his role gradually grew into his current position as Dean of the Digital Campus.

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Keli Fancher
Keli Fancher