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Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Medium intensity
Demons have played a significant role in ancient cultures beyond just Egypt. Mesopotamia has its own set of liminal entities that reside somewhere between gods and man, with their own responsibilities and roles. This class will explore the features of these beings, including where they are first seen in literature, what roles they play, and what we know about them. Think Pazuzu from the Exorcist.

Required Texts

Wiggermann, "The Mesopotamian Pandemonium: A Provisional Census." In: Mesopotamian Demons. Sapienza, 2011. 298-322. Jean Bottero, "Mesopotamian Religious System." 201-231 Ancient Egyptian Demonology: Studies on the Boundaries between the Demonic and the Divine in Egyptian Magic Alessandro Roccati, "Demons as a Reflection of Human Society, Heessel, Nils, Mesopotamian Demons, foreign and yet native powers
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