Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.

Language Sector > Module
Discussion-based • Medium intensity
These selections will help introduce students to the breadth and depth of Old English texts available for advanced study. Each month, Dr. Larry Swain and/or Dr. Isaac Schendel surveys the group to see which text students are most interested in exploring next.

Some of the texts we could explore in a given month include:
Advanced Old English Readings: Beowulf I
Advanced Old English Readings: Beowulf II
Advanced Old English Readings: Riddles
Advanced Old English Readings in Prose: The Old English Boethius
Advanced Old English Readings: Genesis A 1
Advanced Old English Readings: Genesis A 2
Advanced Old English Readings in Poetry: Judith and Exodus
Advanced Old English Readings: Heroic Elegies
Advanced Old English Readings: Cynewulf's Juliana
Advanced Old English Readings: Cynewulf's Christ II
Advanced Old English Readings: Apollonius of Tyre
Advanced Old English Readings: Ælfric's Lives of the Saints
Advanced Old English Readings: Ælfric's Letter to Sigeweard
Advanced Old English Readings: The Blickling Homilies
Advanced Old English Readings: Selections in Prose
Advanced Old English: Alice in Wonderland
Advanced Old English: Tolkien's Old English Poetry

Including these texts taught by Dr. Isaac Schendel:
Readings in Old English: The Battle of Maldon & Group Reading
Intermediate Old English: The Homilies of Wulfstan
The Old Saxon for Old English Readers (The Old Saxon Hêliand I)

Note: Please refer to the Required Texts section on a month's iteration page to see which texts the group has decided upon for a given month.
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If you have any questions about the SPACE program, please reach out to [email protected].