Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.

Language Sector > Module
Module SeriesSequential Series
Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Medium intensity
This series emphasizes reading more complex stela and non-stela texts, providing students with opportunities to use research materials outside of the Collier and Manley text. Building on previous examples, we will explore different ancient media such as carved scarabs, tomb illustrations, papyrus, temple walls, and/or spells from the Book of the Dead. This series provides students a means to practice and refine all of the hard won skills from the previous modules as we continue to slowly add new vocabulary and grammar.

Note: This series is especially suited for students who have already taken our beginning sequence of modules in our Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Beginners series.

Required Texts

No required text, all necessary materials will be provided by the preceptor.

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