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March 2025  Academic Mastery  Candidate  Hybrid
A Module in Grammar, Citing, & Humanities Writing [Tier 1 Cluster]Non-Sequential Series
Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Graduate intensity

This module is part of the Academic Mastery program. Please apply to the AM program before enrolling in this course

This module is part of the Grammar, Citing, & Humanities Writing cluster.

Combining lectures and roundtables from Signum’s graduate faculty with interactive weekly tutorials, this five-week module is designed for students new to scholarly writing in the humanities, those returning to academic pursuits after time in other fields, or those who want to see just how challenging it can be to write a simple yet spectacular paragraph.
This Tier 1 module is open to all students, has no prerequisites, and may be repeated as many times as desired. Students participate in weekly discussions and workshops, write and revise paragraphs, and complete a final written project.

Note: This module draws extensively upon lectures originally recorded for Foundations in Critical Reading and Research. Students in the MA program who have taken (or plan to take) that course may find significant overlap in the core materials.


  • 4 weeks discussion; 1 week assessment (2.5 hours video; 8 hours discussion and workshops)
  • Assessments: weekly & summative (final portfolio)
  • No additional books or materials required.

  • Goals and Skills:

  • Students who complete the module will be able to write organized, structurally coherent paragraphs about a single topic.
  • Students who master the material will be able to write organized, structurally coherent paragraphs synthesizing two or more ideas.

  • This course is graduate level in intensity, with weekly and summative assessments

    Fee: 2 Signum Tokens

    Required Texts

    No additional books or materials required.

    This class needs more votes to get confirmed.

    This module is a standing candidate which means it will be ready to launch as soon as it gets enough interest. Token holders can set aside a Token to reserve their seat for this candidate and help it get confirmed.

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    Days and Times

    As soon as we obtain enough interest in this class we will be in touch to work out a meeting time that works for the group. Thank you for keeping your March 2025 availability up to date!