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A Module in Advanced Old English Series:
Readings in Poetry and Prose
• Non-Sequential Series
Medium intensity
Aelfric of Eynsham was the most prolific writer in Old English. He left behind homilies, biblical and political commentary, letters, and other materials. This module will dig into his series of homilies titled Lives of Saints, homilies in Old English retelling the life and times of individual saints organized according to the church calendar.
Required Texts
The text, Lives of Saints, is in the public domain and freely accessible online.
This class needs more votes by May 1 to get confirmed.
This module is a standing candidate which means it will be ready to launch as soon as it gets enough interest. Token holders can set aside a Token to reserve their seat for this candidate and help it get confirmed.
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Days and Times
Meeting Mondays & Thursdays at 7:00 PM Eastern for eight 1-hour sessions on June 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, (skip 19 for Mythmoot), 23, 26, 30
Signum Time US/Eastern |
Note | Your Time unknown |
Mon, Jun 2
7:00 PM |
Thu, Jun 5
7:00 PM |
Mon, Jun 9
7:00 PM |
Thu, Jun 12
7:00 PM |
Mon, Jun 16
7:00 PM |
Mon, Jun 23
7:00 PM |
Thu, Jun 26
7:00 PM |
Mon, Jun 30
7:00 PM |