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Language Sector > Module > Iteration
April 2022  Standard Module
Module 4 of Latin for BeginnersSequential Series
Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Medium intensity
This fourth unit of Signum SPACE's Latin in a Year sequence expects students to be familiar with present, imperfect, and future forms of all regular verbs (and sum/esse); nouns and adjectives in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declensions; and demonstrative and personal pronouns, using these new forms to translate sentences and short Latin passages. Building on these skills, students will learn the perfect active system of verbs (including pluperfect and future perfect), reflexive pronouns and possessives, several ablative forms, and numerals. As ever, students will translate sentences and short Latin passages as they apply and learn these and previous grammatical techniques. This module covers chapters 12-15 of Wheelock's Latin.
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Days and Times

Meeting (mostly!) Mondays & Wednesdays at 10:00 AM Eastern for eight 1-hour sessions on March 30, April 1, 4, 6, 11, 25, 27, and May 2

Signum Time
Note Your Time
Wed, Mar 30
10:00 AM
Fri, Apr 1
10:00 AM
Mon, Apr 4
10:00 AM
Wed, Apr 6
10:00 AM
Mon, Apr 11
10:00 AM
Mon, Apr 25
10:00 AM
Wed, Apr 27
10:00 AM
Mon, May 2
10:00 AM

Discord Details
