Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.

Discussion-based • High intensity
A New Story for a New Season!

On June 30th and July 1st & 2nd, we're going to celebrate creativity by attempting a complete story! Our format will include nine SPACE class sessions, WriterSpace focus time in excellent company, Bandersnatch Breakout rooms for craft talk and work encouragement, and an enthusiastic celebration of the season. We will plan, plan, plan on the 30th and you will get an amazing first draft on the 1st and 2nd ready for editing! This even dovetails beautifully with July Camp NaNoWriMo. So sharpen your quills, line up the inkpots, grill a BIG meal to last the weekend.

Here's the plan:
Friday the 30th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Eastern
6p - class session
7p - WriterSpace (we will attempt to do an entire Zero Draft)
8p - class session
Saturday the 1st from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Eastern
9a - class session
10a - WriterSpace & Bandersnatch (that's "quiet space and talking space")
11a - WriterSpace & Bandersnatch
12noon - class session
Saturday the 1st from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern:
Nap time.
Saturday the 1st from 3:00 PM to 9:05 PM Eastern:
3p - class session
4p - WriterSpace & Bandersnatch
5p - WriterSpace & Bandersnatch (completing our First Draft)
6p - class session
7p - WriterSpace & Bandersnatch
8p - class session
9p - Sparkler parade for those who can get their equipment outdoors to a safe spot.
Sunday, the 2nd from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern
1p - class session
2p - WriterSpace & Bandersnatch (envisioning our revisions plus machete editing!)
3p - class session & wrap up at 4p.

Our goal is to create a ready-for-edit short work in one weekend! Prompts, planning, focus methods, peer encouragement, machete editing, character crucibles — we’ll do it all. Writers will write between sessions as well as during.

You are going to end this amazing experience with a complete first draft of your story. What a way to celebrate!

Note: For more information about the Collaborative Feedback Method in SPACE, please check out our video here.

Required Texts

There are no required texts for this module.
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Days and Times

Meeting Friday June 30th from 6:00 PM Eastern to 9:00 PM Eastern; Saturday, July 1st from 9:00 AM Eastern to 9:05 PM Eastern (with a two-hour break for late lunch and naps); Sunday, July 2nd from 1:00 PM Eastern to 4:00 PM Eastern

Discord Details

If you have any questions about the SPACE program, please reach out to [email protected].