Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.

Intermediate Languages Portal

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Intermediate Greek Readings Series

This series will help introduce students to the breadth and depth of Greek texts available for intermediate-level study. Each month, Dr. Larry Swain surveys the group to see which text students are most interested in exploring next.

Some of the texts we could explore in a given month include:
Stump the Swain: Easy Classical Greek Readings
Easy Koine Greek Readings
Advanced Greek Readings: Gospel of Matthew
Advanced Greek Readings: Gospel of John Series
Advanced Greek Readings: Paul's Letter to the Galatians

Note: Please refer to the Required Texts section on a month's iteration page to see which texts the group has decided upon for a given month.
Precepted by Dr. Larry Swain

Intermediate Latin Readings Series

This series will help introduce students to the breadth and depth of Latin texts available for intermediate-level study . Each month, our preceptors survey the group using the Intermediate Latin Series survey form to see which text students are most interested in exploring next.

Some of the texts we could explore in a given month include:
Latin: The Vulgate Gospel of Matthew
Latin: Plautus' Miles Gloriosus (the Braggart Soldier)
Latin: Augustine's Confessions
Intermediate Latin Readings: Catullus
Intermediate Latin Readings: The Vulgate Bible 1
Intermediate Latin Readings: The Vulgate Hester
Intermediate Latin Readings: Caesar’s Gallic Wars
Intermediate Latin Readings: Martial’s Epigrammata
Intermediate Latin Readings: Gesta Romanorum
Intermediate Latin Readings: Horace
Advanced Latin Readings: Cicero's Pro Archia Oration
Advanced Latin Readings: Aesop's Fables
Advanced Latin Readings: Hobbitus Ille
Advanced Latin Readings: Silius Italicus' 'Punica'
Advanced Latin Readings: Vergil's Aeneid in a Year

Note: Please refer to the Required Texts section on a month's iteration page to see which texts the group has decided upon for a given month.

Intermediate Latin Translation: The Vulgate Psalms

Designed for students who have completed an introductory Latin textbook and wish to explore real Latin texts at a gentle pace, this class will walk students through a selection of Psalms from the Latin Vulgate, adapting the quantity of texts and homework to meet the needs of the enrolled students. We will parse passages and read the psalms clause by clause, moving somewhat slowly to allow ample time for grammatical review as students test different translation techniques and absorb new abbreviations, grammatical quirks, and irregular or new forms.

Note: Students who took this module in 2023 are welcome to repeat it; the 2024 module will feature different psalms than its predecessor.
Precepted by Dr. Faith Acker

Intermediate Old English: The Homilies of Wulfstan

The Anglo-Saxon monk, priest and bishop Wulfstan (†1023) is, after Ælfric of Eynsham, the most famous author of Old English homilies. His alliterative prose, inventive vocabulary, and – most importantly – his fire-and-brimstone preaching style make him a joy to read. The scenes he invokes are both terrifying and captivating, and his descriptions of the invading Vikings as God’s punishment offer a unique glimpse into the mentality of a terrified English people in the 10th and 11th centuries. Come join us for a month of Anglo-Saxon “Old Time Religion” and see if you can master reciting the Old English phrase “Leofan men” with a Johnny Cash accent (suede tunic optional).

This unit is open to anyone who has a basic familiarity with the Old English language. We will begin by reading Wulfstan’s most famous sermon, the “Sermon of the Wolf” (Sermo Lupi ad Anglos), to gain familiarity with his style and to see some Viking action. After that, we will continue on to “On False Gods” for a bit more Christian vs. Pagan Linguistic Bloodsports before moving on to his more pious eschatological work. Wulfstan’s oeuvre is large, so each iteration of this module can focus on a different facet of his work.
Precepted by Dr. Isaac Schendel

Intermediate Old English: The Phoenix

The Old English poem The Phoenix, a 677-line alliterative reworking of the Latin De Ave Phoenice, combines striking similes and intricate (if somewhat overworked) allegories with a simple, formulaic style that renders the poem a classic example of Anglo-Saxon wrestling with Classical ideas. The result is an intermediate-level work which offers Old English students a chance to move beyond coursebook Old English and into reading scholarly textual editions. Join Dr. Isaac for a relaxed reading group experience as we work through the text and engage with it on every level: reading closely, interpreting on a literary level, and (time permitting) comparing it with other texts in Old and Middle English, Old Norse, and Latin.

There are currently two good editions of The Phoenix, one from the Exeter Series of Medieval texts (978-0859893428; originally published in 1964 but republished in 1990) and a dual-language (Old English/Modern English) one with Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library series in the volume Old English Shorter Poems, Volume I: Religious and Didactic (ISBN: 978-0674057890). Either edition is fine.
Precepted by Dr. Isaac Schendel
If you have any questions about the SPACE program, please reach out to [email protected].