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Joshua Sosa

Prospective SPACE Preceptor

Mythologist-in-Training, Brimming with Ideas

Joshua (or Josh) earned a BA in Classical Studies with a minor in Ancient Greek from Hunter College and an MA in Museum Studies from the CUNY School of Professional Studies in New York City. His interests are in comparative mythology, modern mythopoeia, and classical reception; these stem from his passion for world mythologies and his favorite franchises—Star Wars and Harry Potter.

Joshua is eager to pursue opportunities to publish scholarship on his previously mentioned areas of interest. He has previously presented at three regional moots with Signum University, two of which focused on topics he'd like to be published: the first centered on the evolving icon of Godzilla as a modern mythological symbol of nuclear energy and the natural world; the second on critical themes and motifs in the Final Fantasy video game series. Joshua aspires to publish a compendium of essays based on ideas he continued to develop since his undergraduate studies, including character analyses in certain films and anime, narrative criticism in video games, and comparisons between ancient folklore and modern storytelling. Some of these ideas have coalesced into short essays on his website, chattingmyth.com (pending renovation).

Joshua is a trained museum educator with over seven years of experience working at museums in New York City. His professional interests lie in creating programs and initiatives to help teens and young adults eager to build their skill sets for a career in the museum field. Enjoying the dynamic workspace of museum galleries, Joshua hopes to find himself at an institution that can blend his professional and academic interests into one.
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Joshua Sosa