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Dr. Faith Acker

Signum MA FacultySPACE Preceptor

Faith Acker first joined Signum in 2011, serving as a preceptor for the inaugural course “The Great Tales: Tolkien and the Epic.” She has precepted for several additional Tolkien courses as well as Latin I and II, and is co-lecturer for “Shakespeare and the Middle Ages” and sole designer of “The Life and Times of the English Epic.” She was invited to join Signum’s Strategy Council in 2021 and also serves as Signum’s Curriculum Coordinator.

Acker received her PhD in Renaissance Literature from the University of St Andrews in 2012 and has subsequently taught at the University of Sheffield, Pellissippi State Community College, Northern Virginia Community College, Montgomery College, Southeastern Louisiana University, and (of course) Signum University. Her monograph "First Readers of Shakespeare’s Sonnets 1590-1790" (2020) is available from Routledge; her more recent research explores portrayals of servants and tradesmen in seventeenth-century poetical miscellanies. In her spare time, Faith enjoys reading, hiking, and cataloging books.
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Dr. Faith Acker