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A Module in Viking Hogwarts: The World Of Old Norse SorceryNon-Sequential Series
Mixed Lecture/Discussion • Low intensity
After having discussed the complex phenomenon of seidr magic in module 1, we are going to have a closer look at its most violent practices. Beyond domestic practices, sorcerous aggression manifested e.g. through driving the enemy insane, sending spirits to attack, causing misfortune and on a much broader scale on the battlefield.

A clear projection of supernatural intervention is offered by Odin‘s servants the valkyrjur, but also shapeshifting berserkers caught by ritual frenzy, with powers stemming from Odin himself, “The Terrible” in his sorcerous role. Battle spells also seem to have been preserved as literary remnants with a chance at authenticity derived from ideas in older poems, like ideas about war-fettering, invulnerability or disguise.

These elements of sorcery buried deep in the often problematic sources might help us better understand the potential mindset of pre-Christian Northern peoples and illuminated the often too tightly defined warrior identity.

The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline 8-Session Structure
Week 1 Lecture 1: The Norse gods of war
Discussion 1: Discussion about Lecture 1 material
Week 2 Lecture 2: Valkyries, berserkers and wolf-skins
Discussion 2: Discussion about Lecture 2 material
Week 3 Lecture 3: Battle sorcery in Norse literature
Discussion 3: Discussion about Lecture 3 material
Week 4 Lecture 4: Valhalla and the afterlife
Discussion 4: Discussion about Lecture 3 material

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