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Language Sector > Module
Module 2 of Beginning QuenyaSequential Series
Discussion-based • Low intensity
Beginning Quenya aims to take students with any level (or no level) of previous language experience and introduce them to the quest to learn Quenya, Tolkien's most developed invented language.

The first module of Beginning Quenya will introduce students to the pronunciation and basic inflections of the language, with a dose of vocabulary and basic sentence translation as well as an introduction to the Tengwar system.

Future modules will eventually bring students to a more complete understanding of the language with the aim of eventually diving into "primary source" Quenya and Tolkien's numerous Quenya poems, and even into student compositions in Quenya itself!

Each module of the course will be structured around a weekly lecture and practicum, with a pre-recorded lecture released to the students at the beginning of each week, explaining new concepts and giving (optional) exercises to aid in student mastery of each topic. These lectures will be followed by a weekly discussion section/practicum, where each section can work through problems, clarifying questions, and practical exercises as a group to reinforce each lesson.

Optional learning resources will be provided for the students each week, but the most important part is to simply listen to the lectures and take part in the practicum sessions!

Note: The 8-session structure will be announced once available. Thanks!

Required Texts

There are no required texts for this module.
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May 2025 (Section 1)  Candidate  Hybrid
May 2025 (Section 2)  Confirmed  Hybrid

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