Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.
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Japanese Through Culture 10 Continuing Series
Added Feb. 21, 2025
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Ancient Near East Literature and the Old Testament
Added Feb. 18, 2025
Many readers around the world are familiar with the Old Testament, especially in western civilization. But did you know other cultures from the Ancient Near East also contained comparable genres of literature? Epics, annals, legal texts, hymns, wisdom literature, and prophetic oracles are all extant from various cultures of the ancient world. In this course, we will read together some of these works of ancient literature and discuss in relation to their literary counterparts in the Hebrew Bible.
Precepted by
Dr. Joel D. Ruark
Biblical Foundations: Genesis 1-11
Added Feb. 18, 2025
The premise for this course is that the Primeval History (i.e. Genesis 1-11) provides the key conceptual roadmap for how to understand the rest of the biblical narrative (especially the OT, but pertaining to the NT as well). Once the reader begins to see these connections, an entire world is opened up, because subsequent biblical authors continue to build on the foundational elements introduced in the early chapters of Genesis.
This course is designed for a reader to learn how to see these elements for themselves so that the student can continue to explore them in the future in the rest of the biblical literature and in literature outside the Bible as well. This course would deal with topics pertinent specifically to Genesis 1-11. For example: is Genesis 1-11 properly classified as "history," or "myth," or something else? And on the spectrum of literal versus non-literal interpretation of texts, what should be applied? Are there any textual indicators for these things, and if so, how do we recognize them?
This course is designed for a reader to learn how to see these elements for themselves so that the student can continue to explore them in the future in the rest of the biblical literature and in literature outside the Bible as well. This course would deal with topics pertinent specifically to Genesis 1-11. For example: is Genesis 1-11 properly classified as "history," or "myth," or something else? And on the spectrum of literal versus non-literal interpretation of texts, what should be applied? Are there any textual indicators for these things, and if so, how do we recognize them?
Precepted by
Dr. Joel D. Ruark
Medieval Christian Thought and Practice
Added Feb. 18, 2025
Between the Great Schism (the separation of Orthodox and Catholic churches in 1054 CE) and the Protestant Reformation (initiated by the Church of England separating from the Catholic Church in 1534 CE) lies the medieval period of Christian history. The Church was theologically and spiritually vibrant during this time, marked by the parallel developments of scholasticism and mysticism within the Catholic tradition. The basic premise of this course is that modern society has not outgrown the lessons to be learned from this period of history. Our lives can be enriched by exploring how medieval Christians lived their lives and appropriate applying their perspectives in our lives today.
Precepted by
Dr. Joel D. Ruark
Men Marrying Up: Marriage and Romance in Tolkien
Added Feb. 18, 2025
Typological motifs are a prominent feature of Tolkien's legendarium, including the motif of marriage and romance. Marital relationships appear among the Ainur (both Valar and Maiar) and the Children of Ilúvatar (both Elves and Men): some happy, some tragic, and some in-between. Tolkien's stories of marriage and romance represent a kind of "wisdom tradition" with relevant applicability to modern society and modern relationships. Most notably, men are always the ones who "marry up" in Tolkien's world, demonstrating a profound respect for women and femininity in society.
Precepted by
Dr. Joel D. Ruark
Middle Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Advanced Beginners Series
Added Feb. 18, 2025
This series emphasizes reading more complex stela and non-stela texts, providing students with opportunities to use research materials outside of the Collier and Manley text. Building on previous examples, we will explore different ancient media such as carved scarabs, tomb illustrations, papyrus, temple walls, and/or spells from the Book of the Dead. This series provides students a means to practice and refine all of the hard won skills from the previous modules as we continue to slowly add new vocabulary and grammar.
Note: This series is especially suited for students who have already taken our beginning sequence of modules in our Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Beginners series.
Note: This series is especially suited for students who have already taken our beginning sequence of modules in our Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Beginners series.
Precepted by
Shawn Gaffney
Middle Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Advanced Beginners 1 First in the Series
Added Feb. 18, 2025
This first module emphasizes the reading of more complex stela texts, providing students with opportunities to use research materials outside of the Collier and Manley text. Building on previous examples, this module provides students a means to practice and refine all of the hard won skills from the previous modules as we continue to slowly add new vocabulary and grammar.
Note: This series is especially suited for students who have already taken our beginning sequence of modules in our Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Beginners series.
Note: This series is especially suited for students who have already taken our beginning sequence of modules in our Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Beginners series.
Precepted by
Shawn Gaffney
Middle Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Advanced Beginners 2 Continuing Series
Added Feb. 18, 2025
This first module emphasizes the reading of more complex non-stela texts, providing students with opportunities to use research materials outside of the Collier and Manley text. Building on previous examples, this module provides students a means to practice and refine all of the hard won skills from the previous modules as we continue to slowly add new vocabulary and grammar.
Precepted by
Shawn Gaffney
The Art of Powerful Language is Poetry
Added Feb. 18, 2025
Language is never more concise and powerful than in the Art of Poetry. Sadly, this art is not consistently taught, nor even consistently admired, having become tainted with the mindset that it is archaic, useless, or unintelligible. Those who seek to learn to write or enjoy this art, are frequently rebuffed by conflicting definitions and daunting rules and rhyme schemes.
In this module, students would be introduced to reading and writing basic poetry techniques and examples, learning how to “color” outside the lines with their own words, and to discover the unique power of concise language, empowering them to set out on their own individual poetry journey.
(This course will utilize the Collaborative Feedback Method to better support all poetic explorers!)
In this module, students would be introduced to reading and writing basic poetry techniques and examples, learning how to “color” outside the lines with their own words, and to discover the unique power of concise language, empowering them to set out on their own individual poetry journey.
(This course will utilize the Collaborative Feedback Method to better support all poetic explorers!)
Precepted by
Marisol Steuben
Women in the Old Testament
Added Feb. 18, 2025
The Old Testament is remarkable among other works in ancient Near Eastern literature for its prominent inclusion of women in the narrative. This is especially noteworthy, considering that ancient Israelite society was a patriarchal society. This course explores the lives of individual women in the narrative and focuses on their collective contribution to the entire body of OT literature. Most notably, the Old Testament contains two books named specifically for women ("Ruth" and "Esther"), and three prominent hymns are explicitly attributed to female authors (Exodus 15, Judges 5, and 1 Samuel 2). Undoubtedly, the heroines of the Old Testament continue to inspire women (and men!) to this day.
Precepted by
Dr. Joel D. Ruark
Discovering the Discworld: The Adventures of Rincewind
Added Feb. 10, 2025
Let us continue our journey through the Discworld series!
Over the eight classes we will read the seven books, in publication order, with one book being discussed in each of seven classes. The final class will be built to allow for further discussion of the themes raised in this series.
Access to the texts listed below is desirable. Prior knowledge of at least the majority of the listed texts will be assumed.
Over the eight classes we will read the seven books, in publication order, with one book being discussed in each of seven classes. The final class will be built to allow for further discussion of the themes raised in this series.
Access to the texts listed below is desirable. Prior knowledge of at least the majority of the listed texts will be assumed.
Precepted by
Dr. Sara Brown
Tolkien and the Old Testament
Added Feb. 7, 2025
The basic premise of this module is that 1) there are some systematic similarities and dissimilarities between Tolkien's works (especially his legendarium) and the corpus of literature called the Old Testament; and 2) understanding these systematic similarities and dissimilarities enriches the reader's understanding and appreciation for BOTH bodies of literature. Fundamentally, both Tolkien's legendarium and the Old Testament address issues of metaphysics through the vehicle of narrative (with poetry and other genres sprinkled in, of course!).
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline | 8-Session Structure |
Week 1 | Session 1: Intersections of Tolkien and the Old Testament (introductory -- literary, mythological, theological) |
Session 2: Intersections of Archetypes (literary) | |
Week 2 | Session 3: Intersections of Typology (literary) |
Session 4: Intersections of Salvation and Judgment (mythological) | |
Week 3 | Session 5: Intersections of Death and Life (mythological) |
Session 6: Intersections of the Human Condition (theological) | |
Week 4 | Session 7: Intersections of the Divine Being (theological) |
Session 8: Intersections of Textual Criticism (literary) |
Precepted by
Dr. Joel D. Ruark
Mythological Poems in the Poetic Edda 1
Added Feb. 6, 2025
Note: This mini module is a special small-group experience consisting of four 1-hour sessions—one session per week—for the cost of 1 Token. Since this mini module is designed only for a small and intimate group, it will be capped at 4 students.
This mini module aims to explore the historical and literary complexities of the medieval collection of Norse myths known as the Poetic Edda focusing on the poems that mainly deal with cosmogony and Odin's quests. Bilingual approach - texts both in Old Norse and English translation.
Week 1: Völuspá (The Prophecy of the Seeress)
Week 2: Hávamál (The Sayings of the High One)
Week 3: Vafþrúðnismál (The Ballad of Vafthrudnir)
Week 4: Grímnismál (The Ballad of Grimnir)
Note: All sessions will be live recorded and shared with all enrolled students afterward for review and to allow those who cannot attend live to still participate in the class.
This mini module aims to explore the historical and literary complexities of the medieval collection of Norse myths known as the Poetic Edda focusing on the poems that mainly deal with cosmogony and Odin's quests. Bilingual approach - texts both in Old Norse and English translation.
Week 1: Völuspá (The Prophecy of the Seeress)
Week 2: Hávamál (The Sayings of the High One)
Week 3: Vafþrúðnismál (The Ballad of Vafthrudnir)
Week 4: Grímnismál (The Ballad of Grimnir)
Note: All sessions will be live recorded and shared with all enrolled students afterward for review and to allow those who cannot attend live to still participate in the class.
Precepted by
Dr. Irina Manea
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 2 (Genki II) Continuing Series
Added Feb. 4, 2025
Join us as we continue learning (advanced) basic Japanese, focusing on the areas of reading and listening comprehension, with some attention to speaking and writing. Over the course of this module series we will work our way through the Genki II textbook, building upon the foundation built from the Genki I text. 一緒に日本語を勉強しませんか
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 3 (Genki II) Continuing Series
Added Feb. 4, 2025
Join us as we continue learning (advanced) basic Japanese, focusing on the areas of reading and listening comprehension, with some attention to speaking and writing. Over the course of this module series we will work our way through the Genki II textbook, building upon the foundation built from the Genki I text. 一緒に日本語を勉強しませんか
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese for Advanced Beginners (Genki II) Series of 3
Added Feb. 4, 2025
Join us as we continue learning (advanced) basic Japanese, focusing on the areas of reading and listening comprehension, with some attention to speaking and writing. Over the course of this module series we will work our way through the Genki II textbook, building upon the foundation built from the Genki I text. 一緒に日本語を勉強しませんか
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese Through Culture 9 Continuing Series
Added Feb. 3, 2025
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese: From Zero - 21 Continuing Series
Added Jan. 31, 2025
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, and covering grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Readings in Middle High German: Prose Selections 2
Added Jan. 24, 2025
In 2024, Oxford University Press published An Introduction to Middle High German, which promises to become the new standard textbook for learning Middle High German. It has a selection of readings, both prose and poetry, all of which are edited for readability and annotated for instruction.
Due to popular demand, we at Signum University’s SPACE program are offering a month of just perusing the Introduction textbook and reading the prose as a group. We will begin with the introductory text “Von den siben planêten” by Berthold von Regensburg before moving on to the religious literature at the end of the book. Time permitting, we will also look at legal texts in the larger Oxford Guide to Middle High German, which will be supplied as scans according to the Fair Use doctrine. These readings will offer a chance to focus on the language’s syntax when it is not as heavily constrained by the demands of meter and rhyme.
This course is open to both veterans and newcomers to SPACE’s small, but growing Middle High German program.
Due to popular demand, we at Signum University’s SPACE program are offering a month of just perusing the Introduction textbook and reading the prose as a group. We will begin with the introductory text “Von den siben planêten” by Berthold von Regensburg before moving on to the religious literature at the end of the book. Time permitting, we will also look at legal texts in the larger Oxford Guide to Middle High German, which will be supplied as scans according to the Fair Use doctrine. These readings will offer a chance to focus on the language’s syntax when it is not as heavily constrained by the demands of meter and rhyme.
This course is open to both veterans and newcomers to SPACE’s small, but growing Middle High German program.
Precepted by
Dr. Isaac Schendel
Beginning Quenya 1 First in the Series
Added Jan. 23, 2025
Beginning Quenya aims to take students with any level (or no level) of previous language experience and introduce them to the quest to learn Quenya, Tolkien's most developed invented language.
The first module of Beginning Quenya will introduce students to the pronunciation and basic inflections of the language, with a dose of vocabulary and basic sentence translation as well as an introduction to the Tengwar system.
Future modules will eventually bring students to a more complete understanding of the language with the aim of eventually diving into "primary source" Quenya and Tolkien's numerous Quenya poems, and even into student compositions in Quenya itself!
Each module of the course will be structured around a weekly lecture and practicum, with a pre-recorded lecture released to the students at the beginning of each week, explaining new concepts and giving (optional) exercises to aid in student mastery of each topic. These lectures will be followed by a weekly discussion section/practicum, where each section can work through problems, clarifying questions, and practical exercises as a group to reinforce each lesson.
Optional learning resources will be provided for the students each week, but the most important part is to simply listen to the lectures and take part in the practicum sessions!
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
The first module of Beginning Quenya will introduce students to the pronunciation and basic inflections of the language, with a dose of vocabulary and basic sentence translation as well as an introduction to the Tengwar system.
Future modules will eventually bring students to a more complete understanding of the language with the aim of eventually diving into "primary source" Quenya and Tolkien's numerous Quenya poems, and even into student compositions in Quenya itself!
Each module of the course will be structured around a weekly lecture and practicum, with a pre-recorded lecture released to the students at the beginning of each week, explaining new concepts and giving (optional) exercises to aid in student mastery of each topic. These lectures will be followed by a weekly discussion section/practicum, where each section can work through problems, clarifying questions, and practical exercises as a group to reinforce each lesson.
Optional learning resources will be provided for the students each week, but the most important part is to simply listen to the lectures and take part in the practicum sessions!
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline | 8-Session Structure |
Week 1 | Lecture 1: Learning Ancient Languages - The History of Quenya - The Problem of Quenya - The Purposes of Learning Quenya -Pronunciation and Stress Patterns |
Discussion 1: Class discussion on Lecture 1 material. | |
Week 2 | Lecture 2: The Classes of Nouns and Verbs - Synthetic and Analytical Languages - The Present Tense - The Nominative/Accusative - The Being Verbs |
Discussion 2: Class discussion on Lecture 2 material. | |
Week 3 | Lecture 3: The Aorist - Pronouns and Pronoun Suffixes - The Future Tense - Wishes and Commands |
Discussion 3: Class discussion on Lecture 3 material. | |
Week 4 | Lecture 4: Learning Tengwar and its Practical Applications |
Discussion 4: Class discussion on Lecture 4 material. |
Precepted by
Patrick Lyon
Beginning Quenya 2 Continuing Series
Added Jan. 23, 2025
Beginning Quenya aims to take students with any level (or no level) of previous language experience and introduce them to the quest to learn Quenya, Tolkien's most developed invented language.
The first module of Beginning Quenya will introduce students to the pronunciation and basic inflections of the language, with a dose of vocabulary and basic sentence translation as well as an introduction to the Tengwar system.
Future modules will eventually bring students to a more complete understanding of the language with the aim of eventually diving into "primary source" Quenya and Tolkien's numerous Quenya poems, and even into student compositions in Quenya itself!
Each module of the course will be structured around a weekly lecture and practicum, with a pre-recorded lecture released to the students at the beginning of each week, explaining new concepts and giving (optional) exercises to aid in student mastery of each topic. These lectures will be followed by a weekly discussion section/practicum, where each section can work through problems, clarifying questions, and practical exercises as a group to reinforce each lesson.
Optional learning resources will be provided for the students each week, but the most important part is to simply listen to the lectures and take part in the practicum sessions!
Note: The 8-session structure will be announced once available. Thanks!
The first module of Beginning Quenya will introduce students to the pronunciation and basic inflections of the language, with a dose of vocabulary and basic sentence translation as well as an introduction to the Tengwar system.
Future modules will eventually bring students to a more complete understanding of the language with the aim of eventually diving into "primary source" Quenya and Tolkien's numerous Quenya poems, and even into student compositions in Quenya itself!
Each module of the course will be structured around a weekly lecture and practicum, with a pre-recorded lecture released to the students at the beginning of each week, explaining new concepts and giving (optional) exercises to aid in student mastery of each topic. These lectures will be followed by a weekly discussion section/practicum, where each section can work through problems, clarifying questions, and practical exercises as a group to reinforce each lesson.
Optional learning resources will be provided for the students each week, but the most important part is to simply listen to the lectures and take part in the practicum sessions!
Note: The 8-session structure will be announced once available. Thanks!
Precepted by
Patrick Lyon