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A Module in Tolkien and the RomanticsNon-Sequential Series
Discussion-based • Low intensity
The Gothic genre has inspired many creative minds to explore the darker realms of human psychology and the wider world, sparking fear, terror, horror and repulsion in its audience. J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth is as much a ruined Gothic wasteland as it is an idyllic utopia. From Shelob's cave and the hypnotic Mirkwood to the Paths of the Dead and the Barrow-Downs, this module will examine Tolkien's use of Dark Romantic and Gothic techniques that were used by writers such as Horace Walpole, Mary Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker, and E.T.A. Hoffman to strike terror in the heart of their readers.

The module will follow an 8-lesson structure:
  • Lecture 1: The Funk of Forty Thousand Years: A Literary History of the Gothic
  • Discussion 1: Chilly Echoes in Tolkien's Middle-earth
  • Lecture 2: Bottomless Supernatural: Terror, Horror, Abject
  • Discussion 2: Conjuring Creepy Creatures
  • Lecture 3: The Weird, the Eerie, and the Dark Side of the Mind
  • Discussion 3: Defamiliarising Middle-earth
  • Lecture 4: Ruined Landscapes
  • Discussion 4: What is left? Can the Gothic recover Middle-earth?

Note: The hybrid 8-lesson structure above is the new format for this module moving forward.

Required Texts

There is no pre-reading required for this module and no secondary material required. All extracts from texts used throughout this Tolkien and the Romantics' module will appear on the presentations and class workbooks.
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