Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.
April 2022 Modules
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A Cultural History of Anime
Meeting Mondays & Wednesdays at 9:00 PM Eastern for eight 1-hour sessions on April 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
In this module we will look at the historical development of anime, with special attention to its uses in re-imagining post-war Japanese culture and society. From Momotaro’s Divine Sea Warriors to mushroom-cloud explosions and kawaii aesthetic, come explore how anime shapes Japanese (and others’) perceptions of Japanese history and culture.
Precepted by
Robert Steed
Bridge to The Silmarillion
Meeting Mondays from 7:00-9:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time for four 2-hour sessions on April 4, 11, 18, 25
This course is intended for people who have read The Lord of the Rings and are beginners to The Silmarillion. We will re-read various passages from Lord of the Rings that make reference to First Age people, places, and events: the mighty Elf-friends of old, the Exile of the Elves; the Tale of Tinúviel; the story of Eärendil and more. We will whet our appetites and gather some motivating questions that will make a future journey into The Silmarillion easier and more enjoyable.
Precepted by
James Tauber
Elise Trudel Cedeño
Creative Writing: Workshop
Meeting Mondays & Thursdays at 8:00 PM Eastern for eight 1-hour sessions on April 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28
We will meet to blend learning, discussion, and playing games with reading, appreciating, and commenting on one another’s work as it is submitted for peer review. Writers are encouraged—but never required—to submit new pieces in any state of draftiness or readiness up to 2,000 words each week for peer reading and feedback. Our Collaborative Feedback method, developed here at Signum University, asks us to comment at the author's comfort level through a structured reader (not editor) response. We gather to encourage the story that the author wants to tell. Our philosophy of kindness first might just turn around your previous experience of writing groups.
A seat has been reserved in this module for any writer (especially a beginner) of marginalized identity to support them finding their voice. Please simply write to [email protected] to identify yourself if you wish to join the class.
Note: For more information about the Collaborative Feedback Method in SPACE, please check out our video here.
A seat has been reserved in this module for any writer (especially a beginner) of marginalized identity to support them finding their voice. Please simply write to [email protected] to identify yourself if you wish to join the class.
Note: For more information about the Collaborative Feedback Method in SPACE, please check out our video here.
Egyptian Hieroglyphs 2
Continuing Series
Meeting Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8:00 PM Eastern for eight 1-hour sessions on April 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
The Hieroglyphics series will present students with a basic understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs, grammar, and knowledge about how to proceed with further study. In this sequence of courses we will discuss how to translate steles that you are likely to encounter in museums, as well as their cultural significance. As student progress, the class will tackle more complex translation. Each one-month module builds on the previous one, so students ready to learn Hieroglyphics will communicate with our Director and Professor Gaffney to make the right placement for everyone.
Precepted by
Shawn Gaffney
Latin for Beginners 4
Continuing Series
Meeting (mostly!) Mondays & Wednesdays at 10:00 AM Eastern for eight 1-hour sessions on March 30, April 1, 4, 6, 11, 25, 27, and May 2
This fourth unit of Signum SPACE's Latin in a Year sequence expects students to be familiar with present, imperfect, and future forms of all regular verbs (and sum/esse); nouns and adjectives in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declensions; and demonstrative and personal pronouns, using these new forms to translate sentences and short Latin passages. Building on these skills, students will learn the perfect active system of verbs (including pluperfect and future perfect), reflexive pronouns and possessives, several ablative forms, and numerals. As ever, students will translate sentences and short Latin passages as they apply and learn these and previous grammatical techniques. This module covers chapters 12-15 of Wheelock's Latin.
Precepted by
Faith Acker
Old English 4
Continuing Series
Meeting Mondays & Thursdays at 5:00 PM Eastern for eight 1-hour sessions on April 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28
Ready to begin learning Old English? This series of modules introduces students to the vocabulary and structure of the earliest recorded form of the English language. One year of modules prepares the student to read texts from over a thousand years ago! Each one-month module builds on the previous one, so students ready to learn Old English will communicate with our Director and Professor Swain to make the right placement for everyone.
Precepted by
Isaac Schendel
Larry Swain
Old Norse 1
First in the Series
Meeting Tuesdays from 7:00-9:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time for four 2-hour sessions on April 5, 12, 19, 26
This series of modules introduces you to the vocabulary and grammar of Old Norse, preparing you to read medieval sagas, eddic poetry, and even Viking-Age runic inscriptions. Each one-month module builds on the previous one, so students ready to learn Old Norse will communicate with our Director and Professor Anderson to choose the right placement for everyone.
Precepted by
Carl Edlund Anderson