Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.

September 2022November 2022

October 2022 Modules

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Beginning Greek 1
First in the Series

Meeting Tuesdays & Thursdays @9:00 PM for eight sessions (Eastern Time), beginning Oct 4 and ending on Oct 27.
Want to read the NT in the original Greek? The Greek translation of the Old Testament? This module’s for you! The first module seeks to introduce learners to the basics of ancient Greek: the alphabet, introduction to the verb system (tenses and moods) and the noun system (the very helpful article, first and second declension). Over several modules, the students will learn the foundations of the language and then students will be able to read texts.
Precepted by Dr. Larry Swain

Beginning Japanese 4
Continuing Series  FULL

Creative Writing: Workshop

Meeting Mondays and Thursdays @8:00 PM (Eastern Time), beginning Oct 3
We will meet to blend learning, discussion, and playing games with reading, appreciating, and commenting on one another’s work as it is submitted for peer review. Writers are encouraged—but never required—to submit new pieces in any state of draftiness or readiness up to 2,000 words each week for peer reading and feedback. Our Collaborative Feedback method, developed here at Signum University, asks us to comment at the author's comfort level through a structured reader (not editor) response. We gather to encourage the story that the author wants to tell. Our philosophy of kindness first might just turn around your previous experience of writing groups.

A seat has been reserved in this module for any writer (especially a beginner) of marginalized identity to support them finding their voice. Please simply write to [email protected] to identify yourself if you wish to join the class.

Note: For more information about the Collaborative Feedback Method in SPACE, please check out our video here.

Geology of Fictional Worlds

Meeting Fridays in a two-hour block from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM (Eastern Time), beginning October 7
This course introduces the student to the various aspects of geology and how they can relate to worldbuilding and mapmaking. This includes continents, plate tectonics, mountains, water, glaciers, planetary patterns, the distribution of rock types and natural resources, natural disasters and weather patterns. This background would allow students to better evaluate fictional maps as well as create them. Examples will be drawn from Middle-earth, Earth-sea, Westeros, Dungeons and Dragons, and suggestions from students.
Precepted by Shawn Gaffney

J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit

Meeting Tuesdays & Thursdays @10:00 AM for eight 1-hour sessions (Eastern Time), beginning Oct 4 and ending on Oct 27.
Join Ms. Elise for a cozy and relaxed Book Club as we read and discuss J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic, The Hobbit.
Precepted by Elise Trudel Cedeño

J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit

As soon as we obtain enough interest in this class we will be in touch to work out a meeting time that works for the group. Thank you for keeping your Blackberry availability up to date!
Join Ms. Elise for a cozy and relaxed Book Club as we read and discuss J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic, The Hobbit.
Precepted by Elise Trudel Cedeño

Middle High German 1: An Epic Introduction
First in the Series

Meeting Fridays in a two-hour block from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Eastern Time), beginning Sept 30 and ending on Oct 21.
Middle High German (MHG) is the umbrella term for the German dialects used in the Holy Roman Empire from about 1050 to 1350. Its written form was the language of the court, and most MHG poetry embraces chivalric intellectual interests – adventure, romances, and courtly love! In our epic introduction to the language, we begin with a poem on subject matter that Old English and Old Norse students will immediately recognize: Das Nibelungenlied, the story of Siegfried (Sigurd) the dragon slayer, who we all know from the Völsunga Saga, the Poetic Edda, and (as his father Sigmund) Beowulf.

This module requires absolutely no modern German, but you may find that the course awakens that bit of “school German” you remember from high school. We will read our text – the 14th “Adventure” of The Nibelungenlied – slowly, as a small reading group. The benefit of the Nibelungenlied’s style is that enjambment is rare and each line can be treated as a single sentence.
Precepted by Dr. Isaac Schendel

Old Norse 3
Continuing Series

Meeting Mondays & Thursdays at 8:00 PM (Eastern Time), beginning October 3
This series of modules introduces you to the vocabulary and grammar of Old Norse, preparing you to read medieval sagas, eddic poetry, and even Viking-Age runic inscriptions. Each one-month module builds on the previous one, so students ready to learn Old Norse will communicate with our Director and Professor Anderson to choose the right placement for everyone.

'The Rings of Power' Discussion Group

Meeting Tuesdays in a two-hour block from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (Eastern Time), beginning October 4, continuing our discussion of the new Amazon series.
The wait is over and Amazon’s new Tolkien-inspired series has come. Already, this series has stimulated much heated discussion across various social media, with the images and trailers dividing opinion among Tolkien fans. In this discussion group, we will watch the show and discuss what we have seen, linking it to what we already know about Tolkien’s creation, and exploring the ways in which ‘The Rings of Power’ is extending the world of Middle-earth.

Access to copies of The Silmarillion, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings is desirable. Prior knowledge of the texts is also desirable, but you could manage without. Knowledge of The History of Middle-earth series and The Unfinished Tales is a bonus!

Vampires, Werewolves and Wights – Oh My! Uncanny Creatures in Middle-earth

Meeting Mondays & Wednesdays from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM (Eastern Time) for eight 1-hour sessions, beginning October 3.
There are dragons in Tolkien’s works, of course, as well as Ents, Trolls, and Orcs, all enabling Tolkien to give shape and dimension to his world of Middle-earth. Less discussed amongst readers of the legendarium are the weird creatures that sit in the shadows – the ones designed to really make the back of your neck prickle. In this course, we will discuss these more troubling inhabitants of Middle-earth, with some close reading of the texts to guide our way.

Access to copies of The Silmarillion, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings is essential. Prior knowledge of the texts is desirable, but you could read them as we go along.
Precepted by Dr. Sara Brown