Welcome to SPACE, our adult continuing education program which offers interactive monthly courses for personal enrichment! Learn more here.
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A Brief Exploration of Japanese Poetry
Over the course of this module we will read and explore the work of a few major pre-modern Japanese poets in translation, putting them in their historical, cultural, and religious contexts along the way, but always focusing on the poetry itself. Group discussion is strongly encouraged. Poetry and poets covered will include that of the Manyōshū, Saigyō, Princess Shikishi, and Bashō. Time permitting, we can add to the list.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Pilar Barrera
A Cultural History of Anime
In this module we will look at the historical development of anime, with special attention to its uses in re-imagining post-war Japanese culture and society. From Momotaro’s Divine Sea Warriors to mushroom-cloud explosions and kawaii aesthetic, come explore how anime shapes Japanese (and others’) perceptions of Japanese history and culture.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
An Intensive Reading of the Tao Te Ching/Daode jing 道德經 Part II
We will continue onwards with our intensive reading and discussion of the text from wherever we end in "An Intensive Reading of the Tao Te Ching/Daode jing 道德經".
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
An Intensive Reading of the Zhuangzi/Chuang Tzu 莊子
Zhuangzi is often presented as the second thinker of classical Daoist thought after Laozi, but in terms of impact on East Asian philosophy and fine arts, Zhuangzi is probably the more significant figure. We will read the text together, taking plenty of time to discuss participant interpretations, all within the framework of the preceptor-provided cultural and historical commentary. Zhuangzi is simply delightful, treating weighty topics with a light and humorous touch. Come join us for Free-and-Easy Wandering through this most idiosyncratic of classical Chinese texts!
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
A Sip of Tea and Tea Culture
In this module we will explore the cultural history of tea production, tea consumption, and tea-related cultural forms and practices. Primary focus will be on Asia, with side-expeditions to other parts of the world. White, green, Oolong, red (black), the Silk Road, tea bricks, tea ceremonies, tea-and-Zen, tea as world commodity, tea as entheogen---we can explore all of this and more!
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese Series of 12
Come join us as we begin to learn basic Japanese, focusing on the four areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension. Over the course of this module series we will start by learning: the characteristics of the three scripts (hiragana, katakana, and kanji); how to read and write hiragana; to be able to say and understand set phrases (social interaction-related); how to formulate a simple declarative sentence (AはBです structure); how to formulate a simple interrogative sentence; how to read orally; and vocabulary relevant to dialogues in the textbook. 一緒に日本語を勉強しましょうか! (Shall we study Japanese together?!)
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 1 First in the Series
Come join us as we begin to learn basic Japanese, focusing on the four areas of reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension. Over the course of this module series we will start by learning: the characteristics of the three scripts (hiragana, katakana, and kanji); how to read and write hiragana; to be able to say and understand set phrases (social interaction-related); how to formulate a simple declarative sentence (AはBです structure); how to formulate a simple interrogative sentence; how to read orally; and vocabulary relevant to dialogues in the textbook. 一緒に日本語を勉強しましょうか! (Shall we study Japanese together?!)
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 10 Continuing Series
Continuing from where we ended in Japanese 9, we will advance our knowledge of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and kanji as we work our way through the Genki textbook.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 11 Continuing Series
Continuing from where we ended in Japanese 10, we will advance our knowledge of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and kanji as we work our way through the Genki textbook.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 12 Continuing Series
Continuing from where we ended in Japanese 11, we will advance our knowledge of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and kanji as we work our way through the Genki textbook.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 2 Continuing Series
Building on the material covered in Beginning Japanese 1, we will cover lessons three and part of four in the Genki textbook, including: introduction to and learning to use katakana; solidifying usage of hiragana; introduction to kanji (around 10-20); developing communication abilities beyond stative sentences, focusing on the introduction of non-stative verbs; new vocabulary; continuing the development of fluency in the four aspects of language mastery.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 3 Continuing Series
Focusing on chapters three (depending on how far we got in Beginning Japanese 2), four, and five in the textbook, we plan to improve our understanding of particles, verb categories and conjugations, describing where things are, forming the past tense of verbs, and increasing our abilities to use and "conjugate" adjectives----which do have tense in Japanese. As always, we will also be increasing our vocabulary and kanji knowledge. This module should be especially exciting because after laying various foundations in the first two units, we now begin to be able to actually have short conversations and form everyday useful sentences.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 4 Continuing Series
Picking up from where we leave off in Beginning Japanese 3, we'll review what needs solidifying from the first two modules and advance to new material in Genki. We will focus especially upon verb, adjective, and noun tenses, as well as continuing to build vocabulary, katakana, and kanji knowledge, as well as oral skills.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 5 Continuing Series
Continuing from where we ended in Japanese 4, we will advance our knowledge of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and kanji as we work our way through the Genki textbook.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 6 Continuing Series
Continuing from where we ended in Japanese 5, we will advance our knowledge of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and kanji as we work our way through the Genki textbook.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 7 Continuing Series
Continuing from where we ended in Japanese 6, we will advance our knowledge of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and kanji as we work our way through the Genki textbook.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 8 Continuing Series
Continuing from where we ended in Japanese 7, we will advance our knowledge of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and kanji as we work our way through the Genki textbook.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Beginning Japanese 9 Continuing Series
Continuing from where we ended in Japanese 8, we will advance our knowledge of Japanese grammar, vocabulary, speaking, listening, and kanji as we work our way through the Genki textbook.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Book Club: A Pale View of Hills by Kazuo Ishiguro or A Study of Memory
In his debut short novel, Kazuo Ishiguro (2017 Nobel Prize winner) explores topics such as the reliability of memory, womanhood, and the relationships between men. Set in both Britain and Nagasaki, Ishiguro takes the reader into the world of Etsuko a Japanese woman struggling to fulfill the expectations of women after the war. We will discuss the themes, language, imagery, and character development in a relaxed and dynamic way.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Conversational Japanese for Daily Life
Japanese is a complex language with a strong emphasis on formality. In any given situation, there are multiple ways to communicate the same idea. This course will introduce some of those common situations in daily life and offer some practical, useful, and modern ways to communicate within them.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Eating Our Way Through Anime
What can a carefully arranged bento box show us about a protagonist’s emotions? How does a steaming bowl of ramen help tell a story? Anime is known for its detailed, mouthwatering portrayals of food. But what exactly makes these artistic culinary delights so special, and why do we keep coming back for more?
In this module, we will consider many aspects of food in anime and its relationship with fandom, culture, and history, and how food signals certain things about characters, settings, and relationships.
Come help us eat our way through anime!
In this module, we will consider many aspects of food in anime and its relationship with fandom, culture, and history, and how food signals certain things about characters, settings, and relationships.
Come help us eat our way through anime!
Precepted by
Bronwyn Rivera
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
Exploring Mob Psycho 100
In Mob Psycho 100, Shigeo Kageyama ("Mob") is an ordinary middle school student who also happens to have strong psychic abilities. Between his part-time job as an exorcist's assistant, his desire to fit in at school, and the weird things that tend to happen to him, he struggles to find the ordinary life he craves. This series turns many of the tropes of battle-shounen anime on their head, while also exploring what it means to be a good person and find the life you want -- while also including some incredible action sequences. Please join us for a discussion of the themes, tropes, and characters of this unusual show
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline | 8-Session Structure |
Week 1 | Session 1: Episodes 1-3 |
Session 2: Episodes 4-6 | |
Week 2 | Session 3: Episodes 7-9 |
Session 4: Episodes 10-12 (end of season 1) | |
Week 3 | Session 5: Episodes 13-15 |
Session 6: Episodes 16-19 | |
Week 4 | Session 7:Episodes 20-22 |
Session 8: Episodes 23-25 (end of season 2) |
Precepted by
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
Exploring Natsume’s Book of Friends Non-Sequential Series
Natsume’s Book of Friends is a contemplative and heartfelt anime/manga series about a boy who inherited a book from his grandmother, allowing him to control youkai. Instead, he chooses to free them. This series sits at the intersection of fantasy and slice of life, and it touches on many aspects of Japanese folklore and culture, at the same time telling a story about connection and compassion.
This series is primarily discussion based, with some contextual information provided by the preceptor. There will be a Google Doc for class discussion and your preceptor will use slides, but sparingly.
This series is primarily discussion based, with some contextual information provided by the preceptor. There will be a Google Doc for class discussion and your preceptor will use slides, but sparingly.
Precepted by
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
Exploring Natsume’s Book of Friends: Part 1
Natsume’s Book of Friends is a contemplative and heartfelt anime/manga series about a boy who inherited a book from his grandmother, allowing him to control youkai. Instead, he chooses to free them. This series sits at the intersection of fantasy and slice of life, and it touches on many aspects of Japanese folklore and culture, at the same time telling a story about connection and compassion. In this module, we will watch and discuss the first two seasons of the anime, paying particular attention to themes including: the iyashikei (healing) genre of anime, the portrayal of youkai in popular culture, and the use of concepts and imagery from Japanese literature and folklore in the series.
This module is primarily discussion based, with some contextual information provided by the preceptor. There will be a Google Doc for class discussion and your preceptor will use slides, but sparingly.
This module is primarily discussion based, with some contextual information provided by the preceptor. There will be a Google Doc for class discussion and your preceptor will use slides, but sparingly.
Precepted by
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
Exploring Violet Evergarden
Come join us for a stunning coming-of-age fantasy anime that follows the story of Violet Evergarden, a former soldier who finds forgiveness, healing, and self-worth through the unassuming power of writing letters. In this module, we will discuss how Violet Evergarden functions as a postwar recovery and travel story, as well as the anime’s use of Victorian and post-World War I aesthetics to tell Violet’s unusual yet unforgettable tale.
Precepted by
Bronwyn Rivera
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
Exploring Sei Shonagon's The Pillow Book 枕草子
Sei Shōnagon 清少納言 is a major writer of the Heian period (794-1185) whose Makura no Sōshi 枕草子 (The Pillow Book) has intrigued and delighted reading audiences for centuries. Colorful, witty, incisive, charming, thoughtful, melancholy, poetic---these qualities and more characterize this diary of the famous lady of the court. Join us as we read this text in-depth and place it within the frame of the flow of Japanese culture and history.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Fairy Tales Studies: Exploring Fairy Tales from Around the World and from Different Authors
Sudying fairy tales takes us back to a time when stories where passed from culture to culture. These stories, replicated around the world, deal with fears and axieties, but they also give us hope as it is the smallest and most vulnerable the one who usually triumphs.
In these modules, we will explore different authors and fairy tales from around the world. Students will have the opportunity to read and re-read the Grimm brothers, Hans Christian Andersen, Andrew Lang, Oscar Wilde and fairy tales from differnet cultures such as Russia, and Japan. Each month, our preceptors will survey the group using to see which text students are most interested in exploring next.
We offer the following Fairy Tales Studies modules:
• Fairy Tales: An Adventure from the Writer's Perspective
• Fairy Tales: From Apples to Bears
• Fairy Tales: Rats, Mice, and Birds
• Fairy Tales: Tricksters, Fools, and Villains
• Introduction to Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
• Introduction to Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales: A House of Pomegranates
• Introduction to Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales: The Happy Prince and Other Tales
• Japanese Fairy Tales and Children's Literature
• Russian Fairy Tales: Journeys, Quests, and Chicken Legs
• Yōkai and Legends: Exploring the Weird in Japanese and Latin American Cultures
• Encountering the Japanese Weird through Lafcadio Hearn's Kwaidan
• Exploring Smith of Wootton Major and Farmer Giles of Ham
• Fairy Tales: Beauty and the Beast
Note: Each module stands on its own and no previous knowledge is required. The idea is to read and discuss these stories, their themes, imagery, and see how we respond to them.
In these modules, we will explore different authors and fairy tales from around the world. Students will have the opportunity to read and re-read the Grimm brothers, Hans Christian Andersen, Andrew Lang, Oscar Wilde and fairy tales from differnet cultures such as Russia, and Japan. Each month, our preceptors will survey the group using to see which text students are most interested in exploring next.
We offer the following Fairy Tales Studies modules:
• Fairy Tales: An Adventure from the Writer's Perspective
• Fairy Tales: From Apples to Bears
• Fairy Tales: Rats, Mice, and Birds
• Fairy Tales: Tricksters, Fools, and Villains
• Introduction to Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
• Introduction to Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales: A House of Pomegranates
• Introduction to Oscar Wilde's Fairy Tales: The Happy Prince and Other Tales
• Japanese Fairy Tales and Children's Literature
• Russian Fairy Tales: Journeys, Quests, and Chicken Legs
• Yōkai and Legends: Exploring the Weird in Japanese and Latin American Cultures
• Encountering the Japanese Weird through Lafcadio Hearn's Kwaidan
• Exploring Smith of Wootton Major and Farmer Giles of Ham
• Fairy Tales: Beauty and the Beast
Note: Each module stands on its own and no previous knowledge is required. The idea is to read and discuss these stories, their themes, imagery, and see how we respond to them.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Introduction to Japanese Religions Series
Over the course of two modules, we will cover the basics of Japanese religious history. Particular areas of focus will be Shintō 神道 tradition and various forms of Japanese Buddhism, shamanism, and Shugendō 修験道. Time permitting (unlikely) we can also touch upon Japanese New Religions and/or Japanese Christianity.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Introduction to Japanese Religions I First in the Series
Over the course of this module, we will cover the basics of Japanese religious history. Particular areas of focus will be Shintō 神道 tradition and various forms of Japanese Buddhism, shamanism, and Shugendō 修験道. Time permitting (unlikely) we can also touch upon Japanese New Religions and/or Japanese Christianity.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Introduction to Japanese Religions II Continuing Series
Picking up from where we left off in the first module, we will continue to explore the basics of Japanese religious history.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Introduction to Vajrayana Buddhism
Building on the previous two Intro to Buddhism modules in this sequence, we will explore the colorful and varied forms of Vajrayana Buddhism, focusing especially on developments in Tibet, but not ignoring the larger world of esoteric Buddhism. The various sects, arts such as the creation of sand mandalas, ritual practices, and various forms of teaching will all be explored.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese for Advanced Beginners Series of 10
In this series, we will continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will also start reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 1 First in the Series
The first in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will also start reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 10 Continuing Series
The tenth and final module in the series in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will continue reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 1 (Genki II) First in the Series
Join us as we continue learning (advanced) basic Japanese, focusing on the areas of reading and listening comprehension, with some attention to speaking and writing. Over the course of this module series we will work our way through the Genki II textbook, building upon the foundation built from the Genki I text. 一緒に日本語を勉強しませんか
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 2 Continuing Series
The second in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will also start reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 2 (Genki II) Continuing Series
Join us as we continue learning (advanced) basic Japanese, focusing on the areas of reading and listening comprehension, with some attention to speaking and writing. Over the course of this module series we will work our way through the Genki II textbook, building upon the foundation built from the Genki I text. 一緒に日本語を勉強しませんか
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 3 Continuing Series
The third in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will also start reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 3 (Genki II) Continuing Series
Join us as we continue learning (advanced) basic Japanese, focusing on the areas of reading and listening comprehension, with some attention to speaking and writing. Over the course of this module series we will work our way through the Genki II textbook, building upon the foundation built from the Genki I text. 一緒に日本語を勉強しませんか
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 4 Continuing Series
The fourth in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will also start reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 4 (Genki II) Continuing Series
Join us as we continue learning (advanced) basic Japanese, focusing on the areas of reading and listening comprehension, with some attention to speaking and writing. Over the course of this module series we will work our way through the Genki II textbook, building upon the foundation built from the Genki I text. 一緒に日本語を勉強しませんか
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 5 Continuing Series
The fifth in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will also start reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 6 Continuing Series
The sixth in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will also start reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 7 Continuing Series
The seventh in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will also start reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 8 Continuing Series
The eighth in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will continue reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners 9 Continuing Series
The ninth in a series of modules in which we continue to explore the beauty of the Japanese language and culture. We will read tales, learn more complex structures, widen general vocabulary, and we will continue reading and writing kanji. みなさん、これからも一緒に日本語を勉強したい!楽しみにしています!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Advanced Beginners (Genki II) Series of 4
Join us as we continue learning (advanced) basic Japanese, focusing on the areas of reading and listening comprehension, with some attention to speaking and writing. Over the course of this module series we will work our way through the Genki II textbook, building upon the foundation built from the Genki I text. 一緒に日本語を勉強しませんか
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Recorded Series: All sessions of this series are being recorded and provided afterwards to enrolled students in order to support the learning of the group.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
Japanese for Beginners Series of 6
In this series of modules, you will get familiarized with basic Japanese vocabulary and structures. Using a communicative approach, you’ll learn basic expressions, start to learn the hiragana script, and recognize katakana and kanji in a fun and interactive way. We will also explore Japanese culture in general. いっしょに日本語を学びましょう!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Beginners 1 First in the Series
In this series of modules, you will get familiarized with basic Japanese vocabulary and structures. Using a communicative approach, you’ll learn basic expressions, start to learn the hiragana script, and recognize katakana and kanji in a fun and interactive way. We will also explore Japanese culture in general. いっしょに日本語を学びましょう!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Beginners 2 Continuing Series
In this series of modules, you will get familiarized with basic Japanese vocabulary and structures. Using a communicative approach, you’ll learn basic expressions, start to learn the hiragana script, and recognize katakana and kanji in a fun and interactive way. We will also explore Japanese culture in general. いっしょに日本語を学びましょう!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Beginners 3 Continuing Series
In this series of modules, you will get familiarized with basic Japanese vocabulary and structures. Using a communicative approach, you’ll learn basic expressions, start to learn the hiragana script, and recognize katakana and kanji in a fun and interactive way. We will also explore Japanese culture in general. いっしょに日本語を学びましょう!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Beginners 4 Continuing Series
In this series of modules, you will get familiarized with basic Japanese vocabulary and structures. Using a communicative approach, you’ll learn basic expressions, start to learn the hiragana script, and recognize katakana and kanji in a fun and interactive way. We will also explore Japanese culture in general. いっしょに日本語を学びましょう!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Beginners 5 Continuing Series
In this series of modules, you will get familiarized with basic Japanese vocabulary and structures. Using a communicative approach, you’ll learn basic expressions, start to learn the hiragana script, and recognize katakana and kanji in a fun and interactive way. We will also explore Japanese culture in general. いっしょに日本語を学びましょう!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese for Beginners 6 Continuing Series
In this series of modules, you will get familiarized with basic Japanese vocabulary and structures. Using a communicative approach, you’ll learn basic expressions, start to learn the hiragana script, and recognize katakana and kanji in a fun and interactive way. We will also explore Japanese culture in general. いっしょに日本語を学びましょう!
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese: From Zero Series of 23
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to begin studying Japanese. We will begin by learning Hiragana and Katakana and cover some basic grammatical structures. We will also cover some conversational Japanese and explore how it is used in anime, manga, and music.
This Japanese module has the potential to grow into a series of beginner courses. Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
This Japanese module has the potential to grow into a series of beginner courses. Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 1 First in the Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to begin studying Japanese. We will begin by learning Hiragana and Katakana and cover some basic grammatical structures. We will also cover some conversational Japanese and explore how it is used in anime, manga, and music.
This Japanese module has the potential to grow into a series of beginner courses. Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
This Japanese module has the potential to grow into a series of beginner courses. Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 10 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, and covering grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 11 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, and covering grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 2 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana and Katakana and will cover basic grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 3 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana and Katakana and will cover basic grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 4 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana and Katakana and will cover basic grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 5 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana and Katakana and will cover basic grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 6 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana and Katakana and will cover basic grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 7 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana and Katakana and will cover basic grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 8 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, and covering grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese: From Zero - 9 Continuing Series
This course is for those who have an interest in Japanese culture and wish to continue our study of Japanese. We will continue using Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji, and covering grammatical structures. Through use of conversational Japanese, we will continue to explore how the language is used in anime, manga, and music.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Japanese is a language of great nuance and depth. This module will open the door to that world and build a foundation for greater insight into Japan's culture and its people.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT): N5 Test Prep
This module is offered for those Japanese language students who wish to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, level N5. We will not be learning new language skills in this module. Instead we will be reviewing and repetitively practicing the precise set of skills tested on the JLPT N5 test, as well as covering various test-taking strategies. We'll cover all the sections in the exam and, apart from working in class, we'll have some homework assignments to further develop test-related skills. Upon passing the test, participants will receive an official certification of language skill level from the Japanese government.
Japanese Through Culture Series of 12
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Hitomi Takemura
Japanese Through Culture 1 First in the Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Hitomi Takemura
Japanese Through Culture 10 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Culture 11 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Culture 12 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Culture 2 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Hitomi Takemura
Japanese Through Culture 3 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Hitomi Takemura
Japanese Through Culture 4 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Culture 5 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Culture 6 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Culture 7 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Culture 8 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Culture 9 Continuing Series
In this series we’ll study Japanese using different tools such as videos, games, and different exercises. We’ll explore different aspects of Japanese culture and work on more complex vocabulary, grammar, and sentence patterns. We’ll also watch lots of videos, play games, and read graded readers among other things.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Note: Japanese Through Culture is for students who already have a basic level of Japanese.
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Japanese Through Lyrics
The goal of this course is to study Japanese by analyzing song lyrics. While there will be an initial list of songs, students will be invited to either choose or vote on songs they would like to analyze (depending on number of students), and then we will spend each class studying the vocabulary and grammar contained in those songs.
Precepted by
Sam Roche
Media as Medicine: Iyashikei (癒し系) in Anime and Manga
Iyashikei (癒し系), or “healing type”, is a category of anime, manga, and games focused on healing the viewer by giving them a peaceful and relaxing experience. It achieves this with a focus on a beautiful environment, low-stakes stories, and a relaxing tone. In a time of natural disasters, political turmoil, and pandemics, this calming style has grown in popularity, and its influence has been seen in many works that might not be considered iyashikei proper. In this module, we will consider many aspects of the type of story, including its history, its status as a genre (or not), its value for its audience, what really “counts” as iyashikei, and the appeal of a story in which, some say, “nothing much happens.” Please join us for a relaxing discussion that may or may not soothe your soul.
Precepted by
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
Aidan Aannestad
The Anime Films of Hosoda Mamoru 細田守
Hosoda Mamoru is an anime director whose films are known for their exploration of family, virtual worlds, and the relationships between wildness and domesticity. In this module, we will watch several of Hosoda's films as per the proposed outline below and we will discuss their themes, history, and literary background.
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline | 8-Session Structure |
Week 1 | Session 1: Biography, influences, contexts, and early works |
Session 2: The Girl Who Leapt through Time | |
Week 2 | Session 3: Wolf Children |
Session 4: Wolf Children, continued | |
Week 3 | Session 5: The Boy and the Beast |
Session 6: Mirai | |
Week 4 | Session 7: Belle |
Session 8: Belle continued |
Precepted by
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
The Anime Films of Shinkai Makoto 新海誠
Shinkai Makoto is an anime director whose films are known for the hyperrealistic beauty of their background art, but also for their star-crossed lovers and the way they play with time. Shinkai's films are often considered "sekai-kei"; that is, the world may be in crisis, but we see this crisis from the point of view of individual lives. In this module, we will watch several films, based on availability, as per the proposed outline below.
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
The module will follow an 8-session structure as shown below:
Outline | 8-Session Structure |
Week 1 | Session 1: Biography, influences, context, short films, and Voices of a Distant Star |
Session 2: The Place Promised in Our Early Days | |
Week 2 | Session 3: 5 Centimeters per Second |
Session 4: Your Name | |
Week 3 | Session 5: Your Name, continued |
Session 6: Weathering With You | |
Week 4 | Session 7: Weathering with You, continued |
Session 8: Suzume |
Precepted by
Nancy "Anni" Foasberg
The Fantastic in East Asia
Come join us as we explore various aspects of the weird, the strange, the uncanny, the dreamlike, and the visionary in East Asian literature, religion, folktales, poetry, and popular media. Whether it is ecstatic visions in Daoist texts, shamanistic expressions in Chinese poetry, gumiho and ghosts in KDramas, or stories such as that of the Yuki Onna (Snow Woman) in Japanese folklore, we’ll explore them all (and perhaps more!) in this class.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed
The Japanese Heartwarming Book Club
Called iyashikei - 癒し系 literature, this Japanese literary genre actually (and catually – there’re plenty of cats) means ‘healing’. These lighthearted, warm short novels are designed to soothe the heart and mind and to help us find refuge in stories that make readers reflect on what is important in their lives.
In this series, we will read a complete novel per module. We will explore the themes, the characters' arcs, and personal takeaways as well as the Japanese cultural aspects.
Each module stands on its own and you can join any month you’d like. If you’re looking for a relaxing escape into soothing worlds and discussions come join us!
(Note: The first book we’re going to read in this series is Michiko Aoyama’s What you Are Looking for Is in the Library.)
In this series, we will read a complete novel per module. We will explore the themes, the characters' arcs, and personal takeaways as well as the Japanese cultural aspects.
Each module stands on its own and you can join any month you’d like. If you’re looking for a relaxing escape into soothing worlds and discussions come join us!
(Note: The first book we’re going to read in this series is Michiko Aoyama’s What you Are Looking for Is in the Library.)
Precepted by
Pilar Barrera
Dr. Robert Steed
Video Game Studies
Inviting students to share their delight in, and deepen their appreciation of, video games, we will discuss examples of the art, music, gameplay, and story from a range of influential titles. We will introduce and experiment with some of the theoretical frameworks that have been applied to video games as media objects and cultural artifacts. But mostly, we will enjoy learning more about the medium and the games we already love. Aside from links and selections shared throughout the module, Gabrielle Zevin's novel Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. will be the only required reading.
Precepted by
Wesley Schantz
Zen History and Thought: An Overview
In this module we will examine the origins and development of Zen Buddhism from its roots in Mahayana and Daoist thought through its formative years in China and its spread to Korea and Japan. Among other topics, we should have time to cover the Patriarchs of Zen, the Five Houses of Zen, and major figures within the tradition. We will also gesture towards Zen's impact on East Asian arts and culture more generally.
Precepted by
Dr. Robert Steed